Non-Spoiler Review: You need to watch Netflix's 'Wild Wild Country'

Non-Spoiler Review: You need to watch Netflix's 'Wild Wild Country'

Wild Wild Country, the latest bingeable docuseries from Netflix, is one of the most captivating journeys a series has ever taken me on.

You need to watch this show.

With miniseries like Waco, the most recent season of American Horror Story and Quentin Tarantino's upcoming "Manson Family" film there seems to be a renewed mainstream fascination with cults.

Wild Wild Country begins with a fairly typical premise. A controversial religious group led by Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh establishes a commune in the United States leading to clashes with locals and government agencies. 

But Wild Wild Country quickly evolves into much more than that; a multi-dimensional story of freedom and fighting for what you believe in, with mixed emotions towards all parties involved.

There were endless twists and turns, as directors Maclain and Chapman Way do a brilliant job of letting the story unfold organically. I changed teams more times than I can count and I’m still not sure who’s side I’m on.

As you progress through the six-part series, there are no lapses in intrigue. The story was exciting, terrifying and downright comical from one moment to the next, but always entertaining. I was glued to the screen.

Ma Anand Sheela, a high-ranking follower of Rajneesh, was the scene-stealer, plain and simple. No matter where you stand on the issues discussed, there is no disputing her charisma. The story is presumably about the guru Rajneesh, himself, but you’d be hard-pressed to convince me. Sheela was the true star.

The first of six parts was a bit slow, but don’t let this discourage you. The pace picks up quickly and you’ll be hooked by the middle of part two. You won’t need any further convincing from there.

Wild Wild Country was a wild wild ride. Throw it in your queue.

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